It is our mission to bring truly effective neuro-regulating mind/body science and solutions to environments where that information is needed most. We deliver these services via instructional mental health readiness trainings, strategic organizational leadership consulting, expert witness testimony, and goal-focused employee or patient care consulting services to governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, healthcare providers, businesses, professionals, and paraprofessionals operating in complex stress environments.

63% of US workers are ready to quit their job to avoid work-related stress

- American Institute of Stress

About one-third of people around the world reported feeling stressed,

worried, and/or angry in 2019 - Gallup Poll

U.S. suicide rate reaches highest rate in more than 80 years

George Petras USA Today Nov 29, 2023

41.1 million: People 12 or older who needed substance use treatment. That's nearly 1 in 7 people. Only 10% reported receiving any treatment in the last 12 months

- Purdue Unviersity

On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men

- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

From 2005 - 2016 the veteran suicide rate rose by 25.9%,

reaching a peak in 2021 of 6,392 -  2023

-National Veteran Annual Report

2015-2017 1% of all U.S. suicides were first responders. When broken down by response discipline, these first responder suicides occurred among law enforcement officers (58%), firefighters (21%), EMS providers (18%) and public safety telecommunicators (2%)

 -US Fire Administration

Suicide rate: 2019 - 47, 511 / 2020 - 47,646 / 2021 - 48,183 / 2022- 49,449

 -American Association of Suicidology

Law Enforcement Line of Duty Deaths: 2020 - 452 / 2021 - 710 / 2022 - 250 / 2023 - 133 

 -Officer Down Memorial Page

Human Capital Theory was developed in 1979 by Theodore Schultz, when he was the Chair of Economics at The University of Chicago, with the help of Gary Becker and Jacob Mincer. Schultz proposed that people bring unique measurable value to businesses and organizations. That marketability, productivity, and profitability (i.e. the successful delivery of a product or services) are positively influenced by the investments employers make in their employees and the investments that people make in themselves (Library of Economics and Liberty). Investments in employees helps to build resiliency against the impacts of workplace stress.

Compassion fatigue, moral injury, survivor guilt, burnout, hyper-vigilance, over-active threat assessment, the inability to down regulate, and body-based symptoms of over-taxation are all environmentally conditioned, stress driven states that require mind/body-based investments to facilitate nervous system re-regulation. All humans have a nervous system that is designed to adapt over time to the repetitive environments and/or individually impactful situations we experience. Organizational leaders need to be attuned to, and understand the potential impact those experiences can have on employees. Leaders also need to be able to recognize indicators of maladaptive changes in an employee, and have systems in place to intervene proactively to keep employees safe, healthy, and effective. 

Our team has over 50 years of combined experience studying human thought and behavior patterns across a variety of different socio-cultural, extreme environmental, and occupational backgrounds. It is this experience that has given us the knowledge to identify the environmental cues, emotional drives, thought patterns, and memory systems that guide human behavior.

Here at HC Solutions we have designed a variety of consulting and training options to assist organizations operating in complex stress environments. It is our passion, in particular, to deliver assistance to three primary populations:

Career fields that have high annual suicide and burnout rates

Post-critical incident or mass casualty mental health for first responders and/or the general public

Strengthening relationships between law enforcement and the communities they protect


Mental health is determined by a complex interplay of individual, social, and structures stresses and vulnerabilities.

- World Health Organization

Certain career fields, especially those connected to public service, military service, or patient care, contain a more complex set of

inherent stressors than many other professions. This extreme physical and mental taxation creates unique pressures and challenges that employees and leaders must adapt to maintain a healthy, effective, productive workforce.  

There are three types of stress: 

·    Physical stress - strain on the physical body.

·    Psychological stress - strain on the mind or emotions.

·    Psycho-social stress - strain that specifically relates to how human beings experience relationships.

How these types of stress can be experienced:

·   Acute Stressor - a stress event that has a clear beginning and an end, and lasts for a relatively short period of time. 

·   Episodic Acute Stressors - a repeated pattern of reoccurring stress events, whether similar or not over a set period of time.  

·   Chronic Stressors - a continuous and pervasive stressor that causes a continuous state of arousal to manage the stressor over

an extended period of time. 

Depending on how stress is carried, whether it is effectively processed, and then how it is incorporated into learning will determine the impact the past will have on the present and the future. Helping individuals understand and reprocess difficult experiences is part of how we help them have a more productive future. This combined with ability to recognize the impact of stressors, effectively obtain neuroregulation, and reset post-stress event are all critical components needed for human beings.