Our consulting packages are designed to create an empathetic, productive, efficient, mentally attune workplace, with specific focus on:

conflict resolution, strategic planning, identifying and preparing for environmental or business-related challenges, community collaboration, improving employee engagement, reducing stress in high risk/high demand professions. 

Our consulting team utilizes applied neurophysiology to reduce stress, identify trauma, and design programs or interventions to address maladaptive employee dynamics.  

Definition of neurophysiology: a branch of neuroscience that is concerned with the normal and abnormal functioning of the nervous system, including the chemical and electrical activities of individual neurons. Applied Neurophysiology that creates attunement, improves leadership strategies, and enhances program development (American Psychological Association)

Neurophysiology & neuroregulation-based consulting: 

  • Delivering services for suicide awareness & neuro-regulation related science and tools to assist with stress management
  • Delivering services to law enforcement agencies to improve public perception. 
  • Providing services aimed at identifying and addressing potentially destructive internal or external processes within organizations or businesses.  
  • Designing industry-based programs to develop more neurophysiologically attune organizational leaders, thus increasing effective decision making.
  • Program development aimed at improving employee-focused mental health preparedness programs
  • Providing human behavior analysis during crisis, humanitarian, or business negotiations.
  • Consulting as an expert witness (trauma & stress-related disorders, law enforcement mental health/stress reactions, human trafficking survivor cases).




Organizational Leadership

Mental Health Resource - Program Development

Expert Witness Testimony


Applied Neurophysiology to Reduce Stress,

Treat Trauma, and Enhance Outcomes

This can involve techniques such as Multichannel Eye Movement Integration, Vagal tone reset exercises, mind and body connection exercises, and the brain science that helps regulate the body's stress response and promote relaxation. Additionally, techniques such as mindfulness meditation and guided imagery relaxation can also be used to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Creating an Efficient, Empathetic, and

Productive Mentally Attune Workplace

A mentally attuned workplace is one where the mental well-being of employees should be a top priority. By implementing new strategies, you can create a structure where employees feel supported and valued, leading to a more positive and productive work environment .

Administering Effective Law Enforcement

Mental Health Care

This focus requires a multi-faceted approach that includes training law enforcement officers in recognizing and responding to mental health crises, providing access to mental health professionals for officers and the community, and implementing policies and procedures that prioritize

de-escalation and non-violent intervention strategies.

Developing Agency Attunement

Agency attunement involves fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to ensure that the organization is effectively meeting the needs and expectations of its community. For law enforcement and first responders this focus is imperative for a supportive workplace.

Applied Strategies to Enhance Cooperative Relationship Building

Relationship building is a crucial aspect for law enforcement and first responders. It involves developing positive and constructive relationships with the community, other law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders. Additionally, strong relationships with other stakeholders, such as local government officials, community organizations, and businesses, can help law enforcement officers gain valuable support and resources to address public safety concerns.

Finding Common Ground

Bringing law enforcement leaders and community leaders together through the science of neuroregulation.